Fluid Sales/Chemical Sales

We specialize in providing top-quality products and unparalleled services to oil companies across Northern Alberta. Whether you are drilling, completing, or servicing oil wells, we have the perfect solution to enhance your operations and maximize productivity.

We stock all chemicals listed in our facility. Heavier blends are available upon request. We have an onsite mixing facility. We store 150m3 of KCL at our onsite facility. Our fluid is automated, metered, and filtered loading for 3rd party access.

Fresh clean town water
(cold or hot up to 80 degrees)
KCL up to 180m3 of 20%
(bulk mixed at our facility to concentration and temperature requirements)
Pipeline Mix
CaCl up to 1320-1355kg/m3
Clay stabilizer
H2S Scavenger
O2 Scavenger
Corrosion Inhibitor
Paraffin Dispersant
Water and oil-based products
Wellbore solids dispersant
Work-over chemical enhancers
Portable self-contained filter units